30 November 2007

Budapest: Ways of Seeing

What adults see while walking along the Danube River on a hazy November morning:

What kids see: giant maple leaves on the ground. Better collect them all and carry them as long as possible!

What adults see in beautiful St. Matyas church:

What the kids remember: the skull of a saint. And in the display case beside it, a foot.

What adults see while climbing up steep Gellert Hill:

What kids see: "Mama! My legs are tiiiirrreeedd! Are we to the top yet???"

What this adult thinks (worries?) about on Thanksgiving: "My daughter won't have memories of turkey and stuffing and cranberry sauce on Thanksgiving! Oh, the bad parenting!"

What the daughter says: "Last year I ate turkey and then threw up. I never want to eat turkey AGAIN!"

What adults think at the Italian place on Thanksgiving night: "It doesn't feel much like Thanksgiving."

What the kids think: "Cool! Pizza!"

1 comment:

Matt said...

Wow, that last pic is impressive... caught both of you with your eyes closed!